Stock Swap

The Stock Swap screen can be found in Stock -> Stock Swap/Blend -> New Stock Swap

Stock swaps can be used to convert stock to something else. For example, if it has degraded over time, grain stored as Barley B1 could be swapped to B2. Another example may be taking Almond Hulls and milling them.

·        Select the provider. If you are doing the processing then put your own org in here

·        Select the number of units processed.

·        Select the commodity.

·        Select the Source – the name of the site where the commodity is being stored.

·        Select the Destination storage site along with (optional) Unit / Grade and Season.

·        The Differential in $/unit will generally be the processing cost. i.e. the total labour/fuel etc taken to transform the commodity. You may choose to leave this as zero.

·        “Adjust stock price” allows you to determine if you are going to add this cost to the value of the commodity.

·        The revaluation field allows you to increase (or decrease !!) the value of the commodity after processing.  Almond Hulls for example, you may want to add $35 to the value of the commodity after processing.

click Process Swap to transform the stock

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