Stock Blend

The stock blend screen can be located via Stock -> Stock swap/blend and click the Switch to Blend link at the top left.

Swap and blend are very similar except for 2 main features of the blend interface.

  • Blend allows for templates or recipes to be created
  • Blend allows for multiple input sources and multiple output destinations

To create a blend or recipe select the green “+” sign next to Blend Template to bring up the following;

Click on “New” on the Blend name to give it a name with an optional Revaluation amount.

  • Complete the sources along with their % of the final mix
  • Complete the Destinations along with their %.
  • Exit from the screen (click”x” on the tab)

Select e.g. Rabbit Pellets from the drop-down list of blend templates. Click on “+ Add to blend” to activate the recipe.

Select the sites where the input is coming from and the output is going. You may need to specify the number of units if the output is going into bags for example.

When you’re done, click on “Process blend”.

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