Creating a transaction

Creating a transaction is done via the Transaction screen, Navigate to the Transactions menu item on the left.

You are presented with the Transactions In Progress list. This list shows all the transactions which have not been processed (finalised).

To create a new transaction click the + New Transaction button in the top left portion of the screen.

The New Transaction wizard will load and guide you through the creation of a transaction.

  • Select a commodity for the transaction from the drop-down list.
  • Click the Next.

The next part of the wizard is the seller details, here is where you enter all the information related to the Seller and type of transaction it may be Contract, Direct-Entry or Stock-out (more information here).

  • Enter an invoice date.
  • Select the source type, this will be either Contract, Direct-Entry or Stock-out (for this example Contract will be used).
  • Select the contract from the list which appears.
  • Choose the location, grade and variety.
  • If there is a purchase order relating to this transaction select it and the load attached to the purchase order from the drop-down list.
  • Comments about the transaction can be added within the comments section.
  • Click Next to continue.

Choose the buyer enter details. The options for Source type are explained in more detail here below.

  • Enter a date to apply the invoice.
  • Select a Source Type, Contract, Direct-entry, Stock-in(Delivered), Stock-in(Free in-store), Stock-in(Shrink), Stock-in(Shrunk) or Stock-in(Swap).
    For this example, we will use Stock-in(Delivered).
  • Begin entering a location to filter the list and select the required site.
  • Choose a grade & season.
  • Select the unit type (Tonnes for this example).
  • Enter any comments if required.
  • Click Next.

If more than one delivery destination is required, it can be added by clicking the Add delivery destination button and entering the above information for each extra destination.

The freight details section of the wizard holds the information for any freight associated with the transaction.

  • Select a Carrier.
  • Chose the rego for the truck performing the trip, The operator and phone linked to the rego will automatically appear, if none are linked simply select them from the lists.
  • Enter the rate and agreed upon the unit.
  • Click Next.

If more than one freight company is performing trips on this transaction, Extra companies can be added by clicking the Add a trip button.

In this final step of the Transaction creation wizard, you are presented with a summary of the information you have entered in the previous steps of the transaction.

Once all the information has been confirmed correct.

  • Click Next, otherwise click the Back button to reverse and edit the incorrect information.

When the Wizard has finished creating the transaction, it will prompt you to add load details.
If you are yet to receive the load details this can be left for a later time, If you have them already, they can be entered now.

Click either Yes to add load details now (you’re presented with the load entry tab), or No to leave this until a later date.

Selecting Yes to enter the load details now will prompt you with the Add a Delivery window where the load details are entered.

All the information within the Source, Destination and Freight sections will be populated with the details entered during the transaction creation wizard.

In the Pickup section.

  • Enter a Ticket ref.
  • Docket number.
  • Gross weight, if only receiving a single Nett figure from the site, enter it here
  • Tare weight., if only receiving a single Nett figure from the site, enter nothing here, leave the field blank.
  • Trade will calculate the Nett weight based on the Gross and Tare weights entered.

The delivery section is populated with the weights from the pickup all that is remaining is to enter the Ticket and Docket reference numbers.

If opting to add the loads at a later point when tickets arrive, head to the Loads -> From page tabs.

Click the Add a load button to bring up the Add a Delivery window. Load details are entered in the exact same way as above.

IF there are a large number of loads the be entered for the contract, there is a Detailed Mode available for bulk load entry, more information can be found on this here below

Once all the loads have been entered, head back to the Summary page tab, click on the + button to expand the items to display more information within each section.

When all the details entered are confirmed correct, the transaction is ready to be processed (finalised). This can be done by pressing the Process transaction button

Marango Trade will process the transaction, offering you the option of sending the documents required to the respective parties.

  • Select all the documents required and their preferred delivery methods – Mail, Email or Fax
  • Click the Preview selected button to preview the documents.
  • Click OK to send the documents.

Different Source types in Transactions

When choosing a source type for either the Seller or Buyer it will affect the way information is entered for the transactions, Below are all the variations listed.


Seller sources for a transaction are listed below.


The contract option is selected when a previously entered contract in the system contains all the information required to complete the transaction with minimal data input. the Contract option was used in the initial transaction example above.

Direct Entry:

Direct entry allows you to create a transaction without having a contract already entered into the system, you create it in this step allowing for a quick process while on the phone to a seller.

  • Choose a date the invoice will be for.
  • Direct entry for the Source type.
  • Enter the Client reference.
  • Select the client.
  • The trader creates the contract.
  • Enter a price per unit either INC or Ex being sure to select the correct option from the drop-down lists.
  • Enter a location from which the commodity is coming from.
  • Choose a grade, season, variety and bonuses if they apply.
  • Select the unit type.
  • Enter any applicable comments.
  • Click OK to proceed to the Buyer details.


Stock-out applies when you are taking stock out of a storage site. You must already have stock in the storage site you are wanting to use. Marango trade will not let you use a site if you do not have the available commodity already in that site.

  • Select the date for the invoice
  • Choose Stock-Out as the source type
  • Select a location the commodity is coming from (only sites which have the matching commodity are available to be used)
  • If there is a Purchase order within trade matching the location it will be available to be used if desired, along with its attached loads (if any)
  • Enter any applicable comments
  • Click Next to continue to the freight details.


Buyer sources available are listed below.


The contract option is selected when a previously entered contract in the system contains all the information required to complete the transaction with minimal data input. The Contract option was used for the transaction example above.


Direct entry allows you to create a transaction without having a contract already entered into the system, you create it in this step allowing for a quick process while on the phone to a buyer.

  • Choose a date the invoice will be for.
  • Direct entry for the Source type.
  • Enter the Client reference.
  • Select the client.
  • The trader creates the contract.
  • Enter a price per unit either INC or Ex being sure to select the correct option from the drop-down lists.
  • Enter a location from which the commodity is going.
  • Choose a grade, season, variety & bonuses if they apply.
  • Select the unit type.
  • Enter any applicable comments.
  • Click OK to proceed to the Freight details.

Stock-in (various)

Marango Trade uses an extensive stock control system, within that you can define individual rates for Shrinkage and Outturn Fees. These fees can be edited at any time by navigating to the Stock -> Storage Charges menu. More information can be found in this article.

Stock-in Delivered

When Stock-in Delivered is chosen Trade will calculate the costs for stock receival & also the Shrinkage percentage, apply them to the prices of the stock without you having to do this manually.

Stock-in Free in-store

Free in-store transfers do not have a receival fee or shrink percentage applied to the commodity Trade will not calculate the fees associated with receival and or shrink percentages when choosing this option. This option is commonly used when creating an ownership transfer transaction where the commodity doesn’t leave the site, and predominately when creating a Track Transfer transaction.

Stock-in Shrink

Stock-in shrink is used when only a shrink percentage is applied to the commodity being inturned into a site, No receival fees are applied to the commodity.

Stock-in Swap

Stock-in swap is used when ownership or location of the commodity is changed with no fees or shrink applied. No extra charges are added to the price or cost of the commodity.

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